Medicare Assistance
Medicare Part D Consultation
Every year, open enrollment for Medicare Part D Drug plans starts on October 15th. You have until December 7th to determine which is the best plan for you and make the needed changes. Just because a plan has worked for you in the past does not mean it is the right plan for you going forward.

Why Is It Important to Compare?
There are many reasons you cannot assume that the plan you are on now will be the best one for you in the future. These reasons include:
- Monthly premiums may change.
- Yearly deductible amount may change.
- The plan may change what drugs are covered and how well they are covered.
- Changes in the medications you take.
- Your plan may no longer be offered. In this case, if you do nothing you will be enrolled in another plan that most likely will not be the best suited for you.
- Brand new plans will be offered which may save you money.
- With some plans you get the best price on drugs by using a specific pharmacy. You need to know this and make sure you are using that pharmacy.
At Wagner Pharmacy, we are committed to making sure you have all the information you need to make the best choice in a Medicare Part D plan. We have access to customized tools and information that provide you with up-to-date information on your plan options and how your specific medications impact your total overall prescription costs. Contact us at any time for a free, personalized Medicare Part D plan comparison.