Medication Synchronization

Are you taking two or more medications on a regular basis? Do you make a lot of trips to the pharmacy to pick up prescriptions? How often do you run out of medicine and miss days before you can get a refill? Have you forgotten to get your doctor to authorize the refill? Would you like to reduce pharmacy visits to one per month? Now, Wagner Pharmacy can put all your prescriptions on the same schedule. So you only need to pick up refills (or have them delivered) once a month!
Wagner has invested in a technology called MedSync, which synchronizes your medications around one common day of the month, on which we’ll fill all your medications. If you have several different medications, all which you fill on different dates throughout the month, you’re a prime candidate for medication synchronization. So if you’re tired of the disorganization, tired of the frequent trips to the pharmacy, sign up and let us manage it for you! We’ll work with you to find a convenient time of the month for you to pick up your multiple meds, and then start the synch process!
If you’re not already a client of Wagner and want to use the service, we’ll need to transfer your prescriptions from your current pharmacy prior to your enrollment. That’s a simple process, just let us know you would like to transfer and we’ll take care of it!